Ordering tips2022-11-09T14:06:40+01:00

Frequently Asked Questions
when ordering

We have listed the most common questions and answers on this page. If your  question in not listed, please and an email to support@loislee.nl

Help! I can’t add products to my cart2022-11-09T14:09:33+01:00

In the unlikely even you have troubles adding products to your shopping cart, we recommend to follow the steps below. If none of these recommendations resolve your issue, please contact us at support@loislee.nl

  1. If you’re logged in as a Skincare Service member, please log out and log back in again.
  2. If the step above doesn’t work, please try another browser (ie. if you’re normally using Chrome, try Firefox this time). Or try using a private browser tab.
  3. If neither of above recommendations work for you, please try connecting to another internet connection (ie. if you’re on wiFi, try using your data connection).